IQUBX Access Ceiling Trap Door is a GREENPRO certified (by IGBC, CII) access panel door system or a roof hatch, designed to be of a flexible size as per requirement.The most important advantage is

  • They can be made to big sizes as well – upto 8′ long. For instance, even 8′ x 3’6″
  • They can be made of a size exactly as per requirement of the client. For instance 467 x 1260 mm
  • CTD023 series and CTD024A are acoustically designed for mitigating above ceiling equipment noise
  • They are certified Greenpro by IGBC. The only green certified ceiling trap doors in the country
  • CTD024 has only a uniform 2.5mm groove all around, making it blend seamlessly with the ceiling
  • It has safety features of shutter being secured with chain / steel wire and lockable with allen key lock

IQUBX ceiling trap doors have the unique possibility of on-site fabrication and sizing, strong and sturdy, good load bearing capacity, amazing finish, and aesthetics of ceiling. This false ceiling access trapdoor blends seamlessly with the surrounding ceiling and comes in various variations as per requirements. For interiors, there is CTD024 with minimum groove visible while for maintenance and other areas requiring strong construction, there are CTD022 and 023 series (with or without hinges) with visible flanges.

IQUBX ceiling trap door with Greenpro certification

IQUBX ceiling trap door with Greenpro certification

What is a ceiling trap door?

trapdoor, or trap door as per Wikipedia, is a sliding or hinged door, flush with the surface of a floor, roof, or ceiling, or in the stage of a theater. A hatch, an opening which may also be in a wall and need not be flush with the surface, is similar. In some cases either name is applicable.

A small door in a wall, floor or ceiling used to gain access to equipment is called an access hatch or access door.

Ceiling Trap doors are important components of a modern interior

In modern contemporary interiors, access hatch or ceiling trap door is indispensable. The plethora of services carried over the false ceiling in a modern interior can be overwhelming.

Ceiling trap door is used in false ceilings to access critical equipment for service, maintenance, and repairs. These services include electrical circuits – wires & cable, in conduit pipes and overhead raceways. Data cables, wiring, and cabling for FAP, access control, CCTV etc. are also carried inside ceiling.  HVAC system including machines, ducting, copper piping, are also located above the ceiling.

above false ceiling lotof services like ac and electricals are installed

All these services need access from time to time for maintenance, repair, resetting, replacement, monitoring of equipment etc. A ceiling trap door system is used to access these services with ease.

Available Ceiling Trapdoor systems may spoil looks of interiors

Usually, a ceiling trap door panel is an eyesore in false ceilings and mars the aesthetics. Its prominent edges stick out like a sore thumb, while the support frame is not sturdy enough. Besides, the edge finish detail and non-uniform grooving also leave a lot to be desired. Trapdoor panels may sag, its edges may get damaged and handling may leave the panel dirty.

put together hacks are used as trap door designs which mar the beauty of interiors and are difficult to maintain

Traditionally, ceiling trap door is constructed with some wooden members or aluminium tubes or grid ceiling members supported in the ceiling framework on which an access panel is rested. Sometimes, hinges are added on one side, to make it openable from one side. The panel which does not rest on the frame is supported by Allen key cleats which help the door to hang on the frame. But the finishes of such crude systems are not always up to the mark.

Some fabricated designed systems are also available, which can give good finishes with uniform grooves. However, they are restricted by the available sizes, are difficult to fabricate or modify on site, and are difficult to source.

IQUBX Modular Access Panel Aluminium Ceiling Trapdoors

IQUBX offers professional aluminium ceiling Trapdoor / Access door / ceiling access panels available in flexible sizes. Amongst the ceiling trap door manufacturers in India, they are the only access panel false ceiling trap doors in India which are certified GREENPRO by IGBC, CII. The sizes can be prefabricated locally and delivered on site and further modified on site if so desired. Else we can provide sections, which can be easily converted into required sizes of the trapdoors by workmen using simple carpenter tools. IQUBX access ceiling trap door systems are widely used for AC indoor units & other services for maintenance purpose. The fixing details are simplified for easy access.

IQUBX ceiling trap door design can be accommodated in a suspended or drop ceiling in the room or hallway which may have removable ceiling panels or large ceiling tiles, or fixed gypsum boards or any other fixed materials like wooden boards etc.

IQUBX CTD-024 Modular Aluminium Ceiling Trapdoor

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IQUBX has developed a new innovative sleek design of Access Ceiling Trapdoor IQUBX CTD-024, to match the ceiling finish with only a sleek groove of just 2.5 mm visible on each edge of the trapdoor. Providing a seamless ceiling finish, this Trapdoor becomes the best choice for every premises, where the looks of the interior matters the most. This system doesn’t have flanges and can accommodate 12mm board in access door for a 12mm thick board finished ceiling. The 12mm board can be gypsum board, calcium silicate board, prelaminated particle board, MDF or even cement board like bison board or ACP sheet. Some architects have used laminate finish with grooves in ceiling to achieve wonderful effect as well.



Benefits & advantages of IQUBX CTD024

  • They can be made to big sizes – upto 8′ long. For instance, even 8′ x 4‘. Big frames & shutter are reinforced with stiffeners to prevent warping
  • IQUBX CTD incorporate a proprietary multi-functional stiffener section to strengthens bigger shutters and frames. It is also used as allen locks platform & as sliding hinge channel
  • Only a uniform 2.5mm groove all around due to innovative sliding hinge, making it blend seamlessly with the ceiling
  • They are made of a size exactly as per requirement of the client. For instance 467 x 1260 mm. All trap doors are fabricated to exact size with minimum TAT
  • Very safe – shutters are secured with steel wire & locked with allen key lock. Sliding hinge doesn’t allow shutters to fall but shutters can be easily removed if desired, for better access above ceiling
  • They are certified Greenpro by IGBC. The only green certified ceiling trap doors in the country
  • CTD024A has a lay-in design with gasket all around the shutter to reduce above ceiling equipment noise


Construction of IQUBX ceiling access trap door system





It consists of an Inner Frame and an Outer Frame. Both the frames are completely flexible for any size requirement. Material for the frame is Aluminium and the finish can be anodized or powder coated as desired by the client.

The outer frame of the ceiling trapdoor is supported on the surrounding ceiling frame, or still better, secured to the soffit of the slab with an additional frames work or hangars. The cover panel door can be secured to the outer frame with Allen key system using cleats.

The hatch door panel design / ceiling access panel can accommodate the ceiling material like gypsum board with a backing sheet ply and painted. It can accommodate other materials like glass or pre-laminated board as well.



IQUBX access panel ceiling trap doors for false ceiling also come with a variant with louvers, which are ideal for installation in toilets etc.

How to install IQUBX access panel ceiling trap door CTD024

Here is a Video showing the installation and functionality of the Trapdoor.

Technical specifications of CTD024

  • Main ceiling frame & shutter section 26 x 19 mm
  • Stiffener lock hinge section 30 x 19 mm
  • Shutter panel material options, total thickness 12 mm
    • Gypsum board
    • Calcium silicate board
    • Aluminium composite panel (ACP) with prelam particle board backing
    • Prelam particle board
    • Wood Polymer composite (WPC) board
    • Mineral Polymer composite (MPC) board
  • All components are raw mill finish and can be powder coated in any powder coat color or anodized

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IQUBX CTD-JB023, CTD-JB023H, CTD-JB022 & CTD-JB022H modular aluminium ceiling Trapdoor system

These patent access door systems are made up of state of the art aluminium extrusions material which can be anodized or powder coated or used in the raw finish as well. They are strong and sturdy. These Trapdoors have the biggest advantage of retrofitting that means it can be easily installed in any existing ceiling without any hassle of creating a completely new ceiling system. Hence, it complements the aesthetics of interior space. They can be used for POP false ceiling with amazing ease, as they are fitted from below due to flange system.

They come in essentially two variations.

Basic CTD-JB022 & 23 trap doors have the access panel door hung by chains and supported by multiple allen keys. One can perform small tasks by just opening the locks and keeping the trapdoor hung with the chains. Or for major tasks, it can be open from two chains and can be hung with two chains only to provide proper access to the ceiling. And the best advantage of this access ceiling trapdoor is that the trapdoor can be completely removed from the ceiling to perform major tasks with AC ducts or piping or any electrical work.

The four-chain hanging system provides a better functionality with bigger sizes of a trapdoor. And helps in transferring a load of trapdoor directly to the roof rather than putting a load on the ceiling in the open condition of the trapdoor.

The more popular variations, with H code in their nomenclature, have unique continuous aluminium extrusion based hinge which make them virtually fail proof and very easy to operate. However, they have small flanges on inner and outer side, besides the visible aluminium hinge.

IQUBX has designed and developed this innovative hinged Door solution for residential and commercial infrastructures. CTD-JB023H is developed for applications within flush plastered ceilings where access to various services such as electrical, plumbing and AC indoor unit, in certain areas is necessary.


Unlike other trapdoors where larger sizes are not recommended due to certain weight restrictions, CTD-JB023H is fitted with specially designed and developed strong but lightweight hinge section. This Innovative hinge gives it a strong frame with an amazing aesthetic look. These sections can support very heavyweight trapdoors, thus supports sizes even larger than “5ft X 5ft” for bigger space and service openings for AC vents and Duct systems.


CTD-JB023H comes up with customized Single and Double Door Options for providing more flexibility for the routine operations.

How to install IQUBX access panel ceiling trap door CTD-JB022 & CTD-JB023 series

Here is a Video showing the installation and functionality of the Trapdoor.


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Benefits of IQUBX access door system

IQUBX trapdoors are certified GREENPRO by IGBC, CII, the only certified ceiling trapdoors in India.

IQUBX aluminium Trapdoor is available in flexible sizes. It can be prefabricated locally and delivered on site and even modified on site if so desired. The system can be fabricated on site by workmen using simple carpenter tools using patent sections too.

The sturdy frame ensures the trap door system is strong. The flanges on the outer frame section ensure that no cracks are visible. The access panel cover has also a frame with ample depth of section for strength. This ensures that no warping happens and can be handled at edges. This prevents spoiling of the paint (if paint finish is done), thus has easy maintenance.

The trap door panel can also be secured to the outer frame with chains for added security and safety.

The greatest advantage of this access door system is that it is sturdy enough to be fabricated in big sizes.

A uniform material ceiling ensures a beautiful aesthetic interior.

IQUBX access hatch door can be retrofitted in existing ceilings without too much of a hassle. This means it is possible to upgrade the aesthetics of the interiors at any time one wishes so.

IQUBX ceiling access trapdoor system is made of 100% recycled aluminium, which is a green building material. It can be used with great benefit in sustainable building projects, especially those who are aiming for LEED certification.

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