Glass Partition


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What are Glass Partition or Glazed Partition?

Glass Partition, also called Glazed Partition or Divider office partition, is used to create cabins and spaces in offices, and commercial buildings / Institutions. Used as Office Partitions, they provide visual continuity of space and are highly desired in workplaces. Glass Partitions are usually either framed in wood or old style aluminium channels. These partitions may be frame-less too. Both ways of usage have their own downsides, are bulky, time consuming to install and rarely used these days.


These systems have sleek snap-fit sections, enabling easy assembly or change of glass, without creating any chasing in the floor or ceiling. Being, modular, they can be removed and re-installed at any other location without too much wastage.

IQUBX glazed partition systems are very innovative and green certified (sustainable) modular systems, available in wide range of cross-section sizes, suitable for glass 8mm to 12mm in different models as single glass, double glass and Vacuum insulated (VIG or DGU) options. Some of the designs can have different colour snap-fit mouldings, giving a unique aesthetics.

Two of the models have been designed so that a dingle, double or VIG glass can be installed on the same base system with help of different snap-fit mouldings. This allows easy and cost-effective up-gradation in future for want of better acoustics.

We also specialize in grid glass / crittall / georgian bar partition systems, giving lot of flexibility in design for architects and interior designers.

Our glass partitions are engineered to have high acoustic insulation. One of our glass partitions has been certified to be STC54 by a government lab.

  • Modular design
  • Wide range of sizes
  • Minimum assembly time (made from minimum number of components)
  • Innovative 
  • Eco-friendly – Green Building Material – Recycled Aluminium is among the most environmentally friendly metals on the planet. Iqubx wall panels are manufactured using 100% recycled aluminium and have been certified GREENPRO by IGBC, CII. It is an excellent material to use in IGBC green / GRIHA / LEED certified projects as it is part of global efforts to increase environmental safety and mitigate the climate change risks.
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100 wide with multiple glazing options of single glass, double glass and Vacuum insulated glass


This is a revolutionary modular glass partition wall design from IQUBX where a single system is designed to accommodate multiple glazing options.

This glass partition system can accommodate single glass, double glass, even 3 glasses and Vacuum Insulated Glass (VIG), also called Double Glass Unit (DGU) too.



IQUBX recommends using the following options in this advanced modular Aluminium glass partition wall GP18100.
  • GP18100S – Single glass – Glass in center, 10mm, 12mm
  • GP1800D – Double glass – Glass on both edges, 8mm, 10mm
  • GP18100VIG – Vacuum Insulated Glass / Double glass unit in center, 18mm (5mm + 5mm + 8mm gap), 24mm.

The major advantages or benefits of this modular glass partition wall system are 

  • The glass panels can be changed including their configuration of 1,2 or VIG / DGU glass, even after installation. Therefore, when it is felt that a certain cabin needs to be more acoustically insulated, the single glass can be upgraded to double glass or VIG glass without any problem.
  • A single glass partition system will be able to fulfill project requirement of different glass wall systems, thus, reducing on logistics & wastage.
  • GP18100 is very easy to install and can be integrated with other IQUBX system like Door Frame DF01, Glass Door GD01, GD02, Demountable Partition system WP01P and many more.
  • The new aesthetics is distinct and adds to exclusiveness.
  • The system is very easy to maintain, repair, change.
  • It is GREENPRO certified by IGBC, CII
IQUBX GP18100D component dwg

IQUBX GP18100D component dwg

IQUBX glazing system GP18100+DF01+GD02

IQUBX glazing system GP18100+DF01+GD02

Technical Data
  • Partition assembled section – 18 x 100
  • Main channel GP18100a – 9 x 100 mm
  • Edge channel GP18100b – 18 x 4 mm
  • Centre channel GP18100c – 14 x 20 mm
  • VIG channel GP18100d – 23 x 20 mm
  • All components are raw mill finish and can be powder coated in any powder coat color or anodized
  • Various glass thickness can be accommodated 8mm to 12mm float glass and VIG (18 to 25mm)
  • GP18100D is STC 54 certified. In fact all the models give superior acoustic insulation due to modular discontinuity across the section
  • GREENPRO certified, 6063 aluminium alloy, 100% recycled aluminium – 10% precosumer & 90% post-consumer


60 wide with multiple glazing options of single glass, double glass and Vacuum insulated glass

GP2160 multiglazing option GLASS partition system

GP2160 multiglazing option GLASS partition system

This is a optimized version of the revolutionary GP18100 series. This Iqubx glass partition system is designed to accommodate multiple glazing options like single glass, double glass and Vacuum Insulated Glass (VIG). It is slightly thicker at 21mm and less wide with just 60mm footprint. It has better acoustic performance even with single glass. It is stronger and has innovative joinery to form frames with inner brackets and nut-bolts. It has a 3mm groove at base for better detailing.

  • The glass panels can be changed including their configuration of 1,2 or VIG / DGU glass, even after installation. Therefore, when it is felt that a certain cabin needs to be more acoustically insulated, the single glass can be upgraded to double glass or VIG glass without any problem.
  • A single glass partition system will be able to fulfill project requirement of different glass wall systems, thus, reducing on logistics & wastage.
  • GP2160 is very easy to install and can be integrated with other IQUBX system like Door Frame DF01, Glass Door GD01, GD02, Demountable Partition system WP01P and many more.
GP2160 multiglazing option GLASS partition system 2

GP2160 multiglazing option GLASS partition system 2

Technical Data
  • Partition assembled section – 21 x 60
  • Main channel, GP2160a – 12 x 60 mm
  • Edge channel GP18100b – 18 x 4 mm (GP18100 component resue)
  • Centre channel GP18100c – 14 x 20 mm (GP18100 component resue)
  • Centre channel GP2160c – 14 x 20 mm (with both side groove)
  • VIG channel GP18100d – 23 x 20 mm (GP18100 component resue)
  • All components are raw mill finish and can be powder coated in any powder coat color or anodized
  • Various glass thickness can be accommodated 10mm to 12mm float glass
  • It gives superior acoustic insulation due to modular discontinuity across the section
  • GREENPRO certified, 6063 aluminium alloy, 100% recycled aluminium – 10% precosumer & 90% post-consumer
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IQUBX GP4028 single GLASS partition system

IQUBX GP4028 single GLASS partition system

IQUBX GP4028 is a premium, heavy weight, maintenance free, greenpro certified glazed partition system designed for superior acoustic performance.
This system has sleek snap-fit sections, enabling easy assembly or change of glass, without creating any chaising in the floor or ceiling. Being, modular, they can be removed and re-enacted at any other location without too much wastage, even if size needs to be changed.
We recommend 10 to 12 mm float glass be used with GP4028.

Technical Data
  • Partition assembled section – 40 x 28
  • Main channel, GP4028a – 40 x 26.4 mm
  • Edge channel, GP4028b – 40 x 4.2 mm
  • All components are raw mill finish and can be powder coated in any powder coat color or anodized
  • Various glass thickness can be accommodated 10mm to 12mm float glass
  • It gives superior acoustic insulation due to modular discontinuity across the section
  • GREENPRO certified, 6063 aluminium alloy, 100% recycled aluminium – 10% precosumer & 90% post-consumer


IQUBX GP2510/12/12D is a maintenance free, greenpro certified durable glazed partition system which can be assembled very quickly in a non-messy way. It replaces traditional wood framing which was expensive and prone to damage by dampness and termites and bulky aluminium channels available till now.

It has indoor as well as outdoor application.

As GP2510 holds the glass strongly on all sides, 10mm float glass is strong enough for regular glass partitions in offices, though one can always use toughened glass as per requirements of safety. GP2512 can hold 12 mm glass.

gp2510 certified iqubx glass partition systems

gp2510 certified iqubx glass partition systems

 Technical data
  • GP2510 41.5 mm wide x 25 mm thick, accommodates 10mm glass
  • GP2512 50 mm wide x 25 mm thick, accommodates 12mm glass
  • GP2512D 100mm wide (2 x 50 mm) x 25 mm thick, accommodates 2 x 12mm glass
  • Order length : standard length 2400 mm; 3000, 3600, 4800 mm on order
  • Standard availability of raw aluminium finish


gp01510 certified iqubx glass partition systems

gp01510 certified iqubx glass partition systems

IQUBX GP01510 is a Greenpro certified maintenance free durable glass partition or glazed partition system which can be assembled very quickly in a non-messy way. It is different from GP2510 as it sleeker with only 15mm thickness. It has also a capability to not only accommodate 10mm thick glass.

Glass partition

It can assemble glass from both directions. The section used in this glass partition system is same as the IQUBX modular partitions system for workstations and thus can provide highly integrated design environment for the workplace.

Technical data

• 53.5 mm wide x 15 mm thick, accommodates 8mm, 10mm glass
• Order length : standard length 2400 mm; 3000, 3600, 4800 mm on order
• Standard availability of raw aluminium finish

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